Small-business retirement plan insights

When it comes to small and midsize businesses, we have big dreams for retirement

During times of uncertainty, widening the focus of retirement plans to encompass every phase of a plan participant’s financial journey simply makes sense.


Near-term financial challenges can jeopardize long-term retirement success—and participants face an unprecedented number of near-term challenges, including a continued COVID environment, inflation, supply-chain disruptions, and more.

The good news: While these challenges remain, plan sponsors of small and midsize businesses can use smart plan design features to keep participants on the road to financial well-being.

Smart moves for smart plan design

Looking for ways to simplify recordkeeping compliance, increase participation rates, and help participants maximize their savings? Insights to Action for Small and Midsize Businesses highlights how sponsors can optimize plan design to help accomplish their goals.

Large versus small plans

Small businesses should think big when it comes to retirement plan design. You can see exactly how small plans compare with large ones and glean best practices in DC Plan Comparison: Small Versus Large Employers.

Read the report →

Learn about our small-business retirement plan solutions →

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How America Saves 2024

The comprehensive plan data in How America Saves 2024 puts the trends of the retirement industry right at your fingertips—so you can stay current, create strong plans, and provide better participant outcomes. 

To learn how you can optimize your plan, contact your Vanguard representative or connect with us

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